Psalm 115
Not to us, Lord, not to us
but to your name be the glory,
because of your love and faithfulness.
I got Chris Tomlin on the brain after this one. Can't help it.
There's repetition in this Psalm, which should make us pay attention. A few lines in threes, which is even more important.
The repeated lines are
"He is our help and shield"
"He will bless"
(It's repeated for Israel, the house of Aaron, and all who fear)
I find it funny how passive the help and shield part is. That God won't actively take the role of attacking, but will swoop in and save, but also cover those from "harm."
And blessing. Everyone talks about how blessing equals prosperity, but really, it means a tangible expression of joy. That's why we can bless God, and bless each other. It's a showing of affection, a declaration of joy over the recipient. What else? What else could you want from the Creator of the universe? A declaration of joy over His beloved children that serve and fear Him.
Are you #blessed? (Heh). But seriously. Even if you don't feel like it, can you take this truth and choose to believe it. The fact is you are blessed, and the facts don't care about your feelings.
Even when we don't feel it, this remains true for those that follow Jesus wholeheartedly.
Jesus stands in the gap for us, then He dances over us with joy when we choose Him.
I know it's weird. But try to picture that. What does it look like in your head for Jesus to bless you? Is it a dance? Is it a song? A big cheer? Maybe just a big hug?
What will those first moments look like for you after you die and see Him face to face? After He swoops in to save and takes you to be with Him, how will the Lord's blessing look to you that day?
Something to focus on. Something to suffer for. Something to look towards, to fix our eyes on the unseen.
The highest heavens belong to the Lord,
but the earth he has given to mankind.
It is not the dead who praise the Lord,
those who go down to the place of silence;
it is we who extol the Lord,
both now and forevermore.
Praise the Lord.