Psalm 114
Tremble, earth, at the presence of the Lord,
at the presence of the God of Jacob,
who turned the rock into a pool,
the hard rock into springs of water.
Back in the day, I wrote a paper on this. How God's presence causes everything to fall apart because when God shows up, even inanimate objects will turn and run from Him. Things come to life because His presence is so completely freaky? That's wild. Not the cushy little Jesus people tend to think of.
But there's that weird tension where you have to then figure out Jesus saying "you are my friends." I want to keep a healthy respect, but not forget the importance of reverence to a Holy God.
I have to repeat this thing. "No one enters the throne room. People die upon entering the King's presence if He so demands it. But His children? They. can run up to Him, jump on His lap, pull His nose maybe even spit on Him when laughing too hard at His embrace. Yes they get the freedom to do such things, for His children are His pride and joy."
"Is He tame."
"Tame? He is certainly not. But He is good."