We believe God has called us to be faithful to Him in reaching young people with the good news of eternal salvation in Jesus Christ. It is our prayer that God will use us to change the spiritual landscape of youth by the end of this decade. The composition and commitment of the Board of YFC Saskatoon | Youth Unlimited is an important ingredient to work under the Lord and with our staff to achieve this ministry. It is the aim of YFC Saskatoon | Youth Unlimited to provide youth with caring relationships and developmental opportunities for their whole person (mental, physical, social and spiritual) in the context of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
We are asking God to provide us with Board Members who:
- Have a heart for God.
- Long to see their talents and resources used to reach unchurched peoples with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Are people of influence and possess a willingness to use their influence and gifts for the benefit of Youth For Christ.
- Will make YFC Saskatoon | Youth Unlimited a high ministry commitment after their local church.
- Are fully committed to working within a context of spiritual unity.
- Have a open spirit to people of all denominations.
- Understand and practice management on a daily basis.
- Have a good sense of humor.
- Are willing to have an active part in prayer and service on the team.
Those who are willing to accept these criterion will be asked to comply with the following requests:
- Submit an application for membership on the YFC Saskatoon | Youth Unlimited Board.
- Attend YFC Saskatoon | Youth Unlimited Board training sessions as available.
- Commit to a three-year term of office during which all Board meetings will be attended unless you are unable due to illness or an unavoidable and excused absence. There are approximately ten meetings per year.
- Serve on a committee of the Board, when required.
- Make a time commitment of a minimum of three hours to a maximum of ten hours per month.
- Make a commitment financially to the ministry.
- Evaluate and be evaluated on a yearly basis.
- Put together a prayer list and a supporter list.
- Sign the YFC Saskatoon | Youth Unlimited Mission Statement and Statement of Faith
- Be involved in your local church..
- Make YFC Saskatoon | Youth Unlimited a high ministry priority after your church.
contact ROB NEUFELD for more information