Kid's Are Dropping In Again

Our community Drop In program has been serving kids and families for many years. The weekly program is run out of our YFC building, ideally located in the Mayfair neighbourhood. Community kids receive a hot meal, fun activities, and a safe place to build relationship with our staff and volunteers.

Throughout the summer we were unable to run the program because of COVID, but ministry was still happening! Each week, our Drop In leaders Jim & Leslie Mills went out into the community and dropped off food to many of the families we are connected with. Much of this food was generously donated, and we are so thankful that our pantry has been kept full and that food went out to those that needed it most during this difficult time.

One of our volunteers rockin’ the new Drop In shirts!

One of our volunteers rockin’ the new Drop In shirts!

We are so happy that Drop In is open once more, even though it looks slightly different. Anyone who attends the program will be asked to wear a mask, sanitize their hands, take their temperature, sign in and physically distance when possible. There is lots of extra work for us like wiping down chairs and other surfaces, but it is all worth the effort when we see the smiling faces come in through the doors. We are grateful for all the opportunities God gives us, no matter how different they look now.

We even have newly designed and printed t-shirts for our staff and volunteers, which they can proudly wear while being clearly identified to youth and parents as a leader in the program. Pray for continued safety as we meet together every week, and as we bring HOPE to the STORIES of these kids.

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