How Can We Do Youth Ministry During a Pandemic?
“Unprecedented Times” How often have we heard that phrase in the past 8 months? It seems like everything we have come to know has been turned upside down. Feelings of isolation, uncertainty and disorientation have become the norm. At YFC, this pandemic has been filled with incredible challenges and tough questions. How can we do youth ministry if we can’t actually meet with youth? What happens when we have to cancel programs and events? How do we continue to bring hope to kids who are feeling more anxious and isolated than ever before? Will YFC be able to survive financially when the economy is in free fall? These are some of the difficult questions we have had to face head-on during this crisis.
And yet we serve a God who has gone before us. Our God is still on the throne, and He still causes all things to work together for the good of those who love Him and who have been called according to His purpose. We need to cling to God’s promises during these days, trusting that He will accomplish His purposes. None of this is a surprise to Him.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
The beauty of moments like these is realizing that along with the incredible challenges, there are even more incredible opportunities. During the past few months, YFC has been able to continue our mission to see every young person living fully in Christ. Events may have been canceled, and certain programs had to be reimagined, but our staff have continued to be present and available. Finding unique ways to connect with youth has always been the strength of YFC. Our motto has long been: “Geared to the Times, Anchored to the Rock”. That has never seemed as relevant as it does today.
Perhaps this was an opportunity to focus on quality rather than quantity. Large group meetings may be on hold for now, but God has opened the door for deep and intentional relationships to grow between a smaller group of students and staff. Many of these smaller group and individual connections have flourished during this pandemic, we have seen many spiritual breakthroughs.
It may take awhile to get back to how things were, but in the meantime we are learning to embrace how things are. We know that despite the physical distancing, ever flowing hand sanitizer, mandatory masks and smaller group sizes, God is still working, and we are so blessed to be able to join Him in that work. YFC is still on the frontlines, bringing HOPE to the STORIES of students as we introduce them to Jesus in new and fresh ways. We have many new exciting initiatives being developed, new staff and new programs starting up. It’s an exciting time to be part of YFC, and we thank you for your continued partnership. Your prayers and financial support mean so much to us, especially during these ‘unprecedented times’. Thanks for the part you play.
“I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purposes’”