Bringing Hope to Teen Moms

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Many YFC Chapters across Canada run teen moms programs, and our former Executive Director was dreaming of supporting young moms in Saskatoon in a similar way.  When this idea was first proposed to me I began to think and pray about it, and a passion began to grow in my heart. Many of my good friends have had babies in the last couple years. As I observed their experiences I was able to clearly see what these moms were going through; the joys and all the struggles, the high and lows.

I then began to realize the extra struggles that a teen mom would face, often lacking the supports that I saw in my friends lives. This is the goal of Stepping Stones; to BRING HOPE to young moms through support, care and community. Some young moms may not have family supports. In Canada, the average age of a first time mom is about 29 years old, and so many young moms have a hard time finding a community where they feel they can belong . These teen moms suddenly find themselves in a very unique stage of life, so different from most girls their age.



To BRING HOPE to young moms through support, care and community.


After much prayer and preparation Stepping Stones began in the Fall of 2020. It has been a challenge to begin a new program during a pandemic, it has definitely impacted attendance. But this has given us the amazing opportunity to really build the foundations for this ministry, which is so important.  Every Friday staff and volunteers continue to meet to receive encouragement from scripture and spend time praying for all the young moms and kids who will be part of this program. I knew the volunteers fairly well before we began in September but I’ve been so blessed as I have learned so much more about their journey in motherhood. I have come to know these women in a new way and have loved seeing how bringing a child into the world has molded and strengthened their faith. It has been encouraging to spend so much time in prayer each week with other women who truly believe in what this ministry will be one day. The young moms who will eventually join this group are going to be entering a space where they are already loved so much, not just by us but by the Father whose love is filling this time and space. We are excited to see what God has in store for this ministry.



We are beginning to gather items to support young moms on their journey. We would invite you to donate items to the following:

- items for babies and young children . Things like clothes, baby shampoo, diapers, etc.

- items to for moms to take home to help make meals and provide proper nutrition to their kids

If you would like to donate items to the CARE CLOSET or THE PANTRY, please email me!

Kristin DuchakComment