Delivering Hope to Families in Need
The YFC Building is in the heart of the Mayfair neighbourhood.
The YFC Drop-In program has been bringing HOPE to the kids and families of the Mayfair community for many years. Each week we open the doors of our YFC building and invite local kids to drop by. Not only is it a safe place for the kids to come and hang out, but we are also able to meet their physical needs by providing a nutritious meal. We were so excited to start up the DROP IN late last September (within the new COVID guidelines), but in November new restrictions were introduced, and we were no longer able to serve meals to our kids. The DROP IN had to be temporarily closed.
Although this was incredibly discouraging for us, God opened up new and exciting ways to serve this community. Starting in December, my wife Leslie and I began putting together care packages for the families in the community. These packages included pre-packaged food, colouring books with markers, books, and other helpful supplies. We also created special Christmas packages which also included socks, hats, gloves, Christmas candy and other fun items.
Times are tough, and we have come to understand that many of these families struggle to put food on the table. Through the generosity of our partners, we have been able to bless the families with some basic groceries as well. When we visit the homes, it warms our hearts to see the excitement of the students and families. The warm greetings and smiles of the students lift our spirits. Sometimes the students will run out to the vehicle and help us with the delivery. Throughout this time, we have also been able to get to know the parents better and build trust with them. We are so thankful for the opportunity to bring HOPE to needy families though compassion and care.