J is for john, f is for fart.

Quite the adventure today was. Started off with some good morning devos followed by some hearty grain for breakfast. And off to the races we went. Just kidding. We went to Mega Mart..... After picking up groceries we headed to Lethe to do the dedication and hand the keys over to Jean. It was tough. Real tough and after rounding the circle of prayer she got to open her new door. Jean was like an egg, seems tough on the outside but once broken into is soft and squishy. She showed no emotion all week then at the passing of the keys broke into tears of greatfulness and warmth. Are team felt so blessed to have gotten to share the love of God with her and the people of Lethe. Shortly after a huge soccer game appeared out of nowhere and we were all shown up by the little 8 year old boys. Leaving was probably the hardest as we each had grown to love multiple of the beautiful children of Lethe. After consoling Millie and Kayci from their broken hearts we were able to resume our blitzin'. Back at the base they had a big feast planned for us, with festivals, jerk chicken and bean rice and ice cream. DELISCIOUSOOO!!!!! Our team is feeling bitter sweet as we have one last day at the base, we have really learned to love our Jamaican home, even though the plumbing might not be the best, and most definitely are not looking forward to the snow.

                                    Sincelerly the cutest, Brianna & Savannah & Joeline


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