On Our Way Home!

Well... this is it. In a few short hours Project Serve 2019 will be over. Are we ready? No... not really. But it’s time to come home and move into the next chapter of what God has for us. Our debrief weekend was FANTASTIC. It is really really hard to sum up in words. God did big things (BIG). We learned so much about ourselves, serving, how God feels about us, and what He has next for each of us. We cried quite a bit. We laughed even more. We soaked up our last moments together as a team and we tired to convince ourselves that we are ready to face normal life again. We are coming home different, and we have seen and learned and experienced things that we will never forget. Please be patient with us as we try and share our experience with you as best we can. Please be patient with our lack of words at times, or our too many words at others. We will try our very best to share our stories and our lessons.  

To everyone who has helped to make this trip a reality for us.... WE HAVE NO WORDS. Because thank you is not enough. This is a gift that you have given to us. Your investment was worth it. We are grateful beyond words and this gift is incredibly presious and we will remember it for the rest of our lives.  

To the team: we cannot tell you how proud we are of you. We love each of you deeply. It is so obvious to all of us that each person was placed on this team for a reason, and we could not done this without each of you. Sarah, Corwin and I love all of you SO much and we are not ready to stop hanging out with you. We will miss being together all day every day. Thank you for all of the joy, laughs, tears, laughs, hard work and laughs. You are an incredible group of young people.  

Well.... that’s a wrap. We are arriving home on WestJet flight 3278 from Calgary at 4:47pm. Please come see us and give us a hug! We need it!  We will take a few minutes as a team when we get off the plane to say goodbye to each other before we come through security  

Much love to all of you and thank you so much for following along.  

Kristin, Corwin, Sarah, Ciarra, Emily, Rachel, Brynn, Kadie, Brooke, Richy, Marlon, Kylan, and Kihmo  

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