Full of Love

Well it's been quite a day. Our second last day at the work site which is hard to believe. The team started off by pouring the second last slab of concrete in the school building which didn't take too long, and then they moved onto the giant pile of rocks. They have been working so hard at making a gravel road into the farm, and today they decided to work late and they got it finished! They were so determined, and very joyful all day as they worked together to accomplish the task. We are super proud of them... you should be too! 

After work we spent a couple of hours with the kids. After this many days of spending time together, there are strong bonds built and relationships formed. I sat at the basketball court and watched everyone playing today. Some were on the playground, some were sitting at watching ball while they all sang songs at the top of their lungs, and many were on the basketball court  (the girls too!) playing game after game. I got a glimpse of the tough goodbyes we will have to say on Friday. There were a couple of tears shed when we said goodbye today, so looking ahead to Friday is tough. We stayed for evening devotions and supper and then headed back to the base (after our nightly stop at the M and J grocery store to load up on snacks!)

When we got home tonight we watched our video messages from home! They were heartwarming, and also sometimes embarrassing, but much loved by everyone! We ask the families to make a little video message, just so the team can see some familiar faces and be reminded of how much love we have waiting for us when we come home. It is awesome to get to share a little bit of our families with each other. After the videos we kept the surprises coming and handed everyone a big envelope full of letters from home from friends and family. There were many tears shed as the team read encouraging words from home. When you spend a week at a Children's Home with kids who have been dealt a tough hand, it is pretty incredible to be reminded that we are so blessed to have the families that we do. We are coming home to love and support, and that is something we can't take for granted. 

Thank you to everyone who sent a letter and made a video! Your kind words were much loved and appreciated, more than you know! We love you guys! 

Tomorrow we are taking a day off and heading to the Cayes to go snorkeling! 

Prayer Requests:

-Corwin is feeling much much better! Thanks for praying!

-Pray for a great and relaxing day tomorrow as we head off to the islands to see a different part of the country!

-Be praying for our hearts as we head into the last day at the home on Friday. Saying goodbye isn't easy. 

Thanks again everyone and goodnight! 


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