Kilburn Hall and Str8 Up

Probably one of the biggest blessings in my job has been the ability to sit down with the guys from the youth detention centre every week. Four years in I have seen a lot of guys make they’re way in and out of that place, but I’ve come to really appreciate the staff and have built some pretty awesome relationships with guys that are long term. I’ve made it to a weird point when I’m a little sad to see these guys get out, but there’s obviously huge blessing in that. The staff there are committed to real rehabilitation. They really want to see these kids break their cycles and move into healthy life choices. One of the programs they offer there is called “Str8 Up,” a focus group offering support to young men leaving the gang lifestyle. You hear stories of gang violence and drug addiction that are heartbreaking. But these men are committed to breaking the cycles, changing their patterns and making the world in front of them a better place!

Check them out at!!!

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