Ministry Update

Moving from fall to winter has not only been unpredictable weather wise but also in my journey with Youth For Christ. There has been so much going on from training in Banff, to our Annual Fundraising Banquet, to starting up a girls group on Wednesday nights, numerous coffee appointments with youth, support meetings and helping run the Drop In program.  All of these areas are so different and each have their challenges.  Some of the kids at Drop In have been experiencing a rough time in school, especially with bullying, along with one of my small group girls has had a really challenging time adjusting to life in Grade 10.  It is so tough to see these kids, whom we love so much, enter into these transitional years.  Really we can't force them to understand that life after high school is a thing, but we can listen, pray and offer advice when asked about how we would handle the situation. So please pray for these youth as they make choices and experience the pressures of high school and for wisdom as they seek advice and council from me.

I have been working here for close to a year and a half and I am still not fully funded. Obviously there are questions in my mind of how I can do better in meeting with people and sharing my vision and passion for youth with them. There is also questions of what to do moving forward.  I really need prayer for my support level, and wisdom for how to go about catching up my support account.  God has obviously called me here and I know that, even when worry and doubt sneak in, God is good and I want his will to be done!  I was recently reminded that God is the one who runs Youth For Christ, not me or any of my co-coworkers but Our Heavenly Father.  Really God does not need us to do His work, but he did choose us to be apart of these kids lives and I want to serve them and Christ with excellence, passion and enthusiasm for the gospel.

Thanks for your prayers!

Carmen PahlComment